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At Clayton County Coordinated Entry, we are committed to ending homelessness in our community. We offer a range of services to support homeless families, including emergency housing, food assistance, job training, and healthcare services.


Standardized assessment tools and practices used within local coordinated assessment processes take into account the unique needs of children and their families as well as youth. When possible, the assessment provides the ability for households to gain access to the best options to address their needs, incorporating participants’ choice, rather than being evaluated for a single program within the system. The most intensive interventions are prioritized for those with the highest needs.


Access serves as the entry point for individuals experiencing a housing crisis and may vary based on community specifics. It could involve contacting a crisis hotline, visiting an access point of facility, or through outreach. Assessment begins upon initial access, where the needs, preferences, and vulnerabilities of individuals are evaluated. This information is then used for Prioritization, which aims to manage and allocate community housing resources and services efficiently, focusing on those with the greatest need and vulnerability. Finally, Referral invoices directing individuals to suitable housing resources and services based on the CoC's prioritization guidelines.


Whether you need assistance with finding housing, accessing healthcare services, or getting back on your feet after a difficult time, CCCE is here to help.

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